InnoUnita’s training programme “From University Research to Business” has kicked off!
The first edition of this intensive entrepreneurship program started at the 6 universities of InnoUnita’s consortium at once with an international opening ceremony online followed by a local work session on site.
The 29 European participating teams are learning the 'Design Thinking' methodology for the creation of products and business models based on customer centric approach, experimentation and iteration with the client.
“From University Research to Business” it’s a programme aimed to lead students, PhD student, researchers and non-academic staff to entrepreneurship, that has been designed in collaboration to set and develop a common ground for promoting entrepreneurial mindsets and strengthening the impact of higher education institutions in the innovation ecosystem.
The following representatives of the InnoUnita University alliance participated in the opening ceremony highlighting the importance of the Partnerships for the goals #ODS17
- Universidad de Zaragoza: Ms. Gloria Cuenca-Bescos Vice-Rector of Technology Transfer & Innovation
- Universitatea de Vest din Timi?oara: Mr. Octavian Madalin Bunoiu. Vice-Rector for Academic and Students Affairs.
- Universidade da Beira Interior: Mr. José Páscoa. Professor.
- Université Savoie Mont Blanc: Mr. nicolas Forestier. Valorization Vice-President.
- Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour: Ms. Laure Tastet. Director of Partnerships, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Branch.
- Università degli Studi di Torino: Dario Peirone, InnoUnita project coordinator
InnoUnita training programme is financed by EIT Food, which is supported by the EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union.